Saturday, March 24, 2012

March Photo A Day - Animal

It took me quite some time to decide on today's photos. I actually have an extensive collection of photographs from the zoo, aquarium and camping. I finally settled on two little visitors the girls and I had while we were on a camping trip. So in a way I'm cheating a bit as they aren't "new" photos. But. like a used car, they are totally new to you!

These cuties weren't the only two we saw. The camp site was actually infested with them. Like that show Infested! but without the creepy house. They crawled over the table in flocks. They fell from the trees onto our tent at night. Soft little plip-plops almost like a gentle rain. We had to rescue them from the fire pit before we started any fires.

They didn't seem to realize the annoyance they were causing. Oblivious little caterpillars just doing their caterpillar things: crawling, creeping, plotting world dominance.


  1. Amazing photos. (they even have that 'new' car smell :o) )

    1. I think it was more of "touch me with your fingers and I will poison the heck out of you" smell!

  2. CUTE!?! They look like a nightmare! Which is reinforced by your infestation story. I imagine if they swarmed you, all that would be left is a flock of butterflies. Well, tragedy aside, that does sound pretty cute.

    1. They do look creepy up close, don't they? I love the idea of an innocent-looking flock of butterflies flying over a homicide investigation scene.
