Friday, April 12, 2013

K is for Kibosh and Kosher

I have discovered something about my new work schedule: Thursdays are rough. The work itself isn’t difficult, but my hours? Those are killers. I work a third shift on Wednesday, get home around 7:20 am Thursday morning and have to be back at work by 3pm. This is called the turn around shift and it’s working me over something fierce.

I don’t sleep well during the day when I work graveyard. The phone rings and I have to get it because what if it’s the girls calling? The dog barks and I need to figure out why since she only really barks if a stranger approaches the house. The amount of caffeine I consume during the night works it way out of my system while I’m trying to sleep and I end up getting up two and three times to use the bathroom. The eastern sunlight cascades through my window and though I have blinds, it probably wouldn’t hurt to throw up some light blocking curtains.

So, Thursdays? Yeah. They’ve got it out for me. Something about the T days, I guess, because Tuesday always throws me too.

That said, I haven’t got a story for today’s words. And I feel like a complete heel because of it. Not because I’m disappointing my admiring fans (you guys are admiring, right?) but because I really wanted to have a story to share and I just…can’t today.

It’s 10 am Friday as I’m writing this and I’m ready for a nap. I want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers up over my head.

Jeesh. I’m surely pitiful! But I’m gonna put the kibosh on that right now! That kosher with you guys?

Kibosh is a noun from the 1940s meaning to put a stop to something and kosher an adjective from the 1920s meaning fair (or a term that describes food prepared according to Jewish dietary law found in the Torah). 

Example: Kelly was keen to kibosh Kevin’s kidney knickknack collection. But Kevin’s counselor claimed that the whole thing was kosher.   

This post has been brought to you by the Letter K and the fine folks at Blogging A to Z. And by the number 1418. Check out more A to Z blogs here


  1. Thursdays suck. I've never liked Thursdays.

    1. Yeah. I'm starting to agree with you on that one!

  2. LOL...I well remember the switching of shifts during the hospital years. Though it wasn't every week. 2 months of days followed by one of evenings and or nights. Some folks stayed perm. nights or evenings for the extra $$


    1. I can't imagine trying to deal with a schedule that shifted like that! Crazy!!

  3. Story schmory, your post was well written and lovely.

    1. Thank you very much! I appreciate the positive feedback!

  4. This is my busy season at work. So I am getting three hours a night for a week. Although at some point I hope to be able cash a paycheck and roll around in the money.

    It's the little things.

    1. Wait one little second here?!?! Aren't you a farmer/homesteader/wonder woman? How is it possible that in addition to all that you have an outside job?

  5. Understandable. Completely. And yes, admiring is a fair word to use. April and May are a nightmare work wise for me, hence why I've not been able to comment on every post people have put out. Yeah, I sympathize. Besides, you made "Kibosh" work with your theme. I say, well done.

    1. Thank you, Pickleope. Honestly, commenting on other blogs is getting tricky. I didn't realize how many blogs I'd started following for A to Z until I saw my feed page and how it kept scrolling and scrolling!!

  6. I've never had to work shifts of any kind so can only say, hope you get some well earned rest soon.

  7. I think the way your day put the kibosh on your plan to have a story is a story in itself.

  8. Oh that turn around shift sounds awful! I could never work overnight, because I can't sleep during the day, either. A short nap is all I can manage. I hope it gets easier! I say, let's put a kibosh on the turn around shift :)

    1. Yeah. It's kind of stinky. But I'm hoping that I'll get used to it. I figure it's a small price to pay for having nearly three days off.
