November is pressing down upon me and as my busiest month of
the year I am not exactly looking forward to it in the traditional sense.
Actually, I’m kinda freaked out about the whole thing.
November brings NaNoWriMo, a writing challenge that I have
participated in since 2004. In past years I’ve run the gamut of writing:
planning, note cards, winging it, basic ideas, just a character. I’ve done it
all. This year is the first year I haven’t had a direction before October hit. In
fact, I just got my ideas together and drafted a nearly naked plot with a
few hazy characters. The years I’ve planned I’ve done better but I’m hopeful
that I’ll continue my winning streak.
November also brings a last ditch frenzied approach to
finishing craft projects for Christmas. As usual I have set myself very high
craft goals and then there was the incident earlier this month that
accidentally ruined three projects that were near completion. So I’m restarting
three projects, continuing two more and trying to find the time for a good half
dozen not even started yet.
November is also Cyra’s birthday month. In previous years we've
gone camping, thrown small parties, had a simple dinner. This year? It’s
bowling. We haven’t established if it will be a bowling party or just us
bowling for fun. Either way it will be fun. She’s a whole decade old this year.
It seems hard to believe. I cleaned out my closet last week and pulled out the
girls’ baby boxes. I love how amazing they are, what wonderful people they are
turning out to be but, still, I miss them as babies.
If I have a second favorite holiday, it is the completely
made-up Thanksgiving feast. I love to cook and bake and it's like Thanksgiving was created just to enable my cooking obsession. Thanksgiving is often
treated as a week long event in my house. I bake far too many desserts, way too
many side dishes and a turkey three times larger than we actually have need
for. I think the largest group of people I’ve fed in recent years was maybe
ten. Typically there are six or seven.
But that doesn’t stop me from cooking as though I was feeding
twenty-seven! This year might be slightly different as we certainly don’t have
the budget for a proper feast.
Knowing myself as I do, I doubt that I will be writing much
for the blog and that distresses me. I have let myself get out of the good
habits of regular blogging and commenting and so of course I want to rededicate
myself to daily postings. With all my focus on NaNo and crafting, I think I
will once again participate in fatmumslim’s Photo-A-Day for November.
Tis the season alright! Season of crazy. Season of fun. Season
of self-induced stress. I work best under pressure and deadlines. If I don’t
have one or the other I tend to be lazy and self-indulgent.